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Enforce Law

With trash can No. 3 it is time to start enforcing the city ordinance of removing trash cans from the curbs. With trash cans in sight everywhere it looks like people do not know what to do with that third trash can.

Can’t Do Worse

Obama wouldn’t even name the ISIS terrorists — he wouldn’t call them what they are. And he doesn’t do anything about it, but Trump will. Obama wouldn’t close the border. He let these people posing to be anything come over here. Trump is going to do away with Obamacare, and he can’t be any more crooked than Hillary. He can’t do any worse than Obama.

Higher Gas

Coats merchants, we would love to buy our gas here in our home town, but your prices are 15 to 17 cents more expensive than all of the surrounding towns.

Right Priorities

The Mayor of Fayetteville called a special meeting after the shooting in Texas, of all the local pastors to come together and pray for the city. I wish Dunn would do something like that, especially since we don’t even have a police chief now. Chief Jimmy Pope knew how important it was to stay close to the local pastors. He was having regular meetings with them before he retired. I hope someone is continuing those important meetings. … I hope the next police chief will know the importance of staying close to God and praying for our city.

Respect Their Service

All the citizens of this county should be happy with the Sheriff’s Office for putting their lives on the line daily for everyone. We should have all respect for the good job Sheriff Wayne Coats and his deputies are doing for this county.

Creating Problems

We’ve already got problems with our waste debris. Because if you put grass in there, by the time they pick it up in this hot weather you’ve got maggots in there and other bugs, stench. So what do we do now since it’s created other problems of unhealthy odors and bugs in there?

Thankful For Police

I saw on the news where they were doing something like Back the Blue with a parade to stand behind the police and I was so thrilled when I turned on my TV and saw that. I do back the police. I have a lot of respect for the police. Sometimes they have to make a decision in a split second. Sometimes their life is on the line and they’re there trying to protect us. And I just lift them up and am thankful for them.

Good Job In Raleigh

The article by Bart Adams in today’s paper, July 15, [Editorial Page column, “Good Effort From State Lawmakers”] was very encouraging, but the Democrats are going to whine and complain and fuss about anything the Republicans do in office, and they’re going to be that way until they get in control again. I thank the Lord for Gov. Pat McCrory, for Rep. David Lewis and for Sen. Ronald Rabin, because they’re doing a good job in Raleigh.

Needs Tree Help

Anybody who is in the timber business who takes down trees to get the timber, my neighbor has two pine trees that really need to come down. The wires have been tore off from his house a couple of times from storms. He’s up in age and has health problems and he really needs some help with these two pine trees if anybody’s interested in taking them down and taking the lumber free.


Tired Of It

Yeah, you know what I didn’t hear Barack Obama say? Well let’s stop the guns today about the killing. Or let’s stop the trucks today — we need to have more control over the trucks. Hey, you can’t control each individual if they’ve got it on their mind to kill somebody. Look how they did it with the truck and he thinks you won’t do it with a gun? He’s in dreamland because anybody who wants to commit a crime can commit one.

I keep asking every day, with all these shootings going on, when are we going to do something about all the problem with guns in this society? We’ve got more guns than we’ve got people. Every time you turn around it’s another shooting. Somebody’s getting killed because of guns. We need to do something about guns and we need to do something now. I’m tired of it.

Fire Cooper

I don’t understand why they don’t make Roy Cooper resign the attorney general position in North Carolina. He was elected to defend North Carolina against anything. But he refused to defend the state on HB2. Well, you know what? If I didn’t do my job and I was elected to do that job or chosen to do that job and getting paid for it, they’d fire me. So what’s the difference in him and me? Why not fire him? Because he’s not doing his job.

Justice Should Resign

I thought the Supreme Court justices were supposed to be impartial, but Ruth Bader Ginsburg came out and said that Donald Trump was a faker and all this kind of stuff. She needs to resign. … She’s supposed to be impartial, but how can you be an impartial judge when you’ve already formed an opinion about a person? You can’t. So she needs to resign.

No Respect

I so much appreciate our police officers and our firefighters and all those who are doing public service. I think if I was some of the police officers and I went on jobs trying to protect people and they were disrespectful, I’d walk off and leave and they could just look after themselves because they get no respect and they’re not all bad.

Keep It Cut

The Town of Erwin wants to impose fines on people who don’t keep their grass cut. That’s fine and dandy, but people who own vacant lots, they need to keep their grass cut too. They don’t have houses but they’ve got vacant lots around Erwin and they do not impose fines or tell them if they don’t cut their grass they’ll cut it and charge us. It’s not fair. These people who own vacant lots, keep the grass cut. Keep it cut.

